Womb and Fertility Massage Therapy

This unique treatment is suitable for ALL women at any stage of your life journey to help you to reconnect with your Womb-Heart-Soul. This type of womb, abdominal and fertility massage has a lineage dating back thousands of years. It is an ancient practice and part of many cultures around the world.  

Womb & Fertility Massage Therapy™ is a deep, yet gentle collection of abdominal and sacral massage techniques that focuses on improving circulation to the digestive and reproductive organs. The aim is to improve blood, nerve and lymph flow to address disorders and imbalances in the body.

The massage also focuses on releasing physical and emotional tension through a range of healing modalities, energy work, mediation and reflexology. When combined, the therapy encourages a natural movement and clearing of both physical and emotional congestion, leaving you and your abdomen feeling lighter. It allows you the space and time needed to reconnect with your body, your womb and your heart space.

Receiving this nurturing type of massage has numerous benefits, including:

  • Regulating the menstrual cycle.

  • Alleviating painful menstruation and ovulation.

  • Increasing circulation and promote blood flow to the uterus.

  • Helps to detoxify the body.

  • Breaks down scar tissue.

  • Promote overall relaxation and reduction of stress.


Developed & founded by Clare Spink (www.fertilitymassage.co.uk).

Womb & Fertility Massage Therapy™  does not claim to cure or diagnose any medical conditions, nor does it replace any medical care that you are under. If you have any medical concerns, please consult with your Doctor or Health Care Professional.

Womb & Fertility Massage Therapy™ is a complimentary therapy that supports women during all stages of their reproductive life. There are no pregnancy guarantees from receiving this type of treatment.